Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Driving in

I was forced to drive in today by force beyond my control. It really made me appreciate riding in. The aggravation and frustration of being in queues of traffic really pissed me off today. The drive in was particularly bad. There must have been an accident somewhere and the arterial routes were clogged as were the off-shoots with people trying to bypass the jam. Tomorrow's ride will be blissful.


Jeanti St Clair said...

I have just caught up on your progress. You've inspired me with your endeavours and I rode to and from work last Wednesday - unassisted! About 14km all up. I'm going to try to do that again when it stops raining. I wonder if you will tackle the ride in the rain tomorrow. Canberra is expecting lots of it!

Peter said...

Time for an update Jeremy, how's it going?